About Client & Task:
About Process:
Bootstrap Framework
Options Panel by Dream-Theme
JS (Slider Controls)
Custom FB/Instagram Feed
Custom Event List
Custom Booking Calendar
Skills Used:
SPOT-Report was looking to launch an online magazine website into the already very competitive field as theĀ leading premier culture & lifestyle magazine. The website needed to serve a number of functions including providing a base for information, advice, sales and an online community, but wanted a look and feel for something a bit more entertaining for their visitors.
The website build was pretty straightforward and needed to incorporate different functions including user profiles and multi-layered permissions. We introduced them to this 3 column theme which also provides advertising inventory placement we then tweaked the layout and modified it to give the client the bells and whistles that it wanted to showcase their articles and stories to the general public to keep visitors posted on recent events. The build was a huge success and the site deals with large numbers of concurrent sessions daily. The site was built on WordPress and is hosted and managed by COMSEC Media.
Home Page
About Page
Team Page
Services Page
Galleries Page
Contact Page
Model Program
Online Booking Storefront
Model Blog